XM Satellite Radio


Monday, March 17, 2008

The Freedom Of Portable Satellite Radio

As time goes by and technology grows and changes to suit the needs of people we have seen an increase in the need for portability in media. People are on the go and require more portability in their Radios. Science and Technology has grown with the demand of the people. This demand has bred Portable Satellite Radios.

Portable Satellite Radio allows a person to listen to various genres of music at any given time, on demand, via Satellite technology. Where once we had Cassette tape walkman devices, then Compact Disc walkman devices we now have the capability to take our music with us wherever we go without being limited to the radio stations in our local vicinity. This means there is no longer a boundary of radio signal that is limited to your town or city. Now you can hear feeds that take place all over the nation, without having to wait for it to be syndicated and picked up by your local radio station.

There are many different Portable Satellite Radio providers such as XM, Sirius Radio and many others. These services are fee based and provide users with a variety of different genres of music for a monthly service charge. This allows the Portable Satellite Radio user to be able to travel with his or her musical selections but not limit them to a play list of music that is made up of only a few songs.

Not only is there a wide variety of music on Portable Satellite Radio. There are also many other types of media such as the national news and Talk Radio. As the Portable Satellite Radio technologies took off shock jock Howard Stern made the switch from normal syndicate radio to Portable Satellite Radio. Many other radio personalities quickly followed suit.

The reason behind the boom of radio personalities making the switch from normal analog radio to Portable Satellite Radio is that it gave them the freedom from some of the FCC restrictions about freedom of speech. Unlike analog radio the FCC doesn?t control as strictly Portable Satellite Radio feeds. Portable Satellite Radio and the boom in the industry also gave radio personalities a broader fan-base. Exposing them to more people who typically may have not heard of them or had the opportunity to enjoy what they bring to the radio.

When looking for a Portable Satellite Radio service you must take into consideration coverage area as well as pricing. What kind of cost will you pay for the convenience of not being bound to limited music and services? Portable Satellite Radio gives you the convenience that is almost necessary in today?s fast paced world of technology and media.

Most audio equipment retailers now provide Portable Satellite Radio devices and services. For the most part these devices can be budget-friendly and the monthly service fees reasonable. If you are interested in expanding your musical tastes and are an on-the-go type of person, Portable Satellite Radio may be something you would be interested in.

Satellite Radio HQ http://satellite-radio-hq.com/ talks about the history of satellite radio, the equipment you'll need, the satellite radio channels you can receive and much more.

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